With more than 40 years of experience in laboratory suction – healthy laboratory air is a given with KaVo.
Each year, dental technicians are exposed to an average of twelve kilograms of dust that contains hazardous substances. This can lead to health problems – especially in regards to the fine dust that is produced. The most hazardous dust particles are those which are the smallest and respirable. Whether cobalt, nickel, beryllium or quartz – dental technicians who neglect proper suction are exposing themselves to risks, often unconsciously. Substances such as plaster, gold, or plastic may also have negative consequences.
The general rule: If concentrations rise above the legal limit values, there is a risk of a negative effect on the human body. This is why KaVo prioritise effective suction and purification of laboratory air in their products. A modern KaVo suction system with smart features combats fine dust pollution in the laboratory.
KaVo SMARTair Evo.
Active health protection with smart single workstation suction.
With the KaVo SMARTair Evo, KaVo has one of the most effective single workstation suction systems in its range: The KaVo SMARTair Evo single workstation suction offers state-of-the-art suction technology in three different versions. Either integrated as a drawer solution for KaVo MASTERspace or FLEXspace single workstations or as a flexible stand-alone option. Powerful and yet also impressively quiet, the KaVo SMARTair Evo single workstation suction offers active health protection for laboratory workstations.
- Class M filter offering comprehensive protection against fine dust
- Filter bags which can be used in multiple ways, ultra-fine filters and activated carbon filters
- 99.99% of all fine dust is separated, while vapours and odours are neutralised
The KaVo SMARTair suction also has four selectable suction levels to automatically adjust the suction power, as well as automatic cut-out. This is how convenient active health protection in the dental laboratory can be.
The average exposure to dust per year
of dental technicians with hazardous substances.
Clean air is vital – although it can never be taken for granted.
Actively protect yourself and your employees.
The average exposure to dust containing hazardous substances is 12 kg per dental technician each year.
- The size of respirable dust particles is between 0.01 and 1 µm.
- The limit value for quartz is 0.00015 g/m³ room air.*
- The limit for gypsum and gold is 0.0058 g/m³.*
*AWC value: Average workplace concentration. Duration of exposure: 8 hours per working day. Pursuant to Section 15a of the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV), carcinogenic substances are excluded.
KaVo Labor Absauganlagen sind das Ergebnis aus über 35 Jahren Erfahrung bei Laborabsaugungen
Ihrer Gesundheit zu Liebe.
Die Lunge ist besonders durch Feinststäube gefährdet. Feinststaub ist der Anteil des gesamten einatembaren Staubes im Labor, dessen Teilchen kleiner als 5 μm sind.
Durch diese Feinheit kann er mühelos bis in tiefste Luftwege, den Alveolarbereich, gelangen und dort als Folge ständiger Gewebereaktion die gefürchtete Staublunge auslösen. Schützen Sie sich und Ihr Laborteam mit KaVo Absauganlagen.