- Reproduction of natural lower jaw movements
- Consideration of all key anatomical dimensions and reference points
- Three different models available
- Stable structure and precise KaVo-quality workmanship
Convincingly realistic and practical – KaVo jaw simulators.
KaVo jaw simulators G20, G40 and G50 meet all the requirements for artificial patients used in dental training, while their closeness to reality reflects quality typical of KaVo products. They take all anatomical dimensions and reference planes into account and help to make dental training as practical and realistic as possible.

The adjustable jaw simulator for training and continuing education.

The ideal jaw simulator for dental training

For the newcomer to the world of KaVo jaw simulators
Centric locks
The G50 condylar boxes have centric locks which precisely set the centric position of the condyles in the closed state. This results in precise reproducible occlusal contacts.
Adjustable condylar path angle
The condylar path angle can be set between –10° and +60°.
Setting the incisal edge distance
An incisal edge distance of between 20 mm and 50 mm can be selected in the G50. This permits simulation and practice on patients with variable mouth opening sizes.
G40: Solid condylar boxes made of metal for daily use in dental training. Average values are used to set the condylar path angle and Bennet angle. The mouth opening is set at 50 mm. Mundöffnung kann simuliert und geübt werden.
The G20 jaw simulator offers extremely easy handling and robust construction through use of stainless steel which is absolutely corrosion resistant.
Simple orientation of the mandibular and maxillary jaw models via the model contours in the G20 jaw simulator.
All essential anatomical settings use average values.
Key anatomical dimensions
Use of KaVo jaw simulators allows the clinician and assistants to practice a range of treatment options on the patient simulator very realistically.
The condylar box guide paths closely approximate to the natural condition.
The effects of the condylar guide path on the articulation movements can be precisely analysed.
Articulation movements
Height setting
Height setting for different models (third party models also accommodated). Ideally matched for KaVo models.
The mandible closes when the lateral touch buttons are pressed. This is also possible with face mask applied.
Rotational movement of the condylar axis
With a mouth opening of up to 15 mm incisal edge distance the condyles complete a full rotational movement.
Anterior condylar movement
With a greater mouth opening, the condyles also move in an anterior direction.



Horizontal Plane
The lateral view of the hinge box shows the protrusion path Z-P and the mediotrusion path Z-M in the horizontal view.

Sagittal plane
The bird’s-eye view of the hinge box also shows the laterotrusion path Z-L in the horizontal plane, in addition to Z-P and Z-M. An average of 15° is assumed to be the Bennet angle.
Attachment and setup of the dental model.
The KaVo dental models can be secured and setup in various different ways in the jaw simulators.
Attachment using the model contours
Only for the G20 jaw simulator.
Attachment with screws/setup as per the auxiliary line
The maxillary dental model is set up using the auxiliary line on the upper part of the jaw model. Mainly used for third party models. For G40 and G50.
Attachment using a screw/setup using pins
The benefit of pin mounting: Identical and reproducible occlusion is always achieved, which means that it is easier and quicker to mount compatible models. Available for G40 J and G50 J.
Attachment using a magnet/setup using pins
Consistently reproducible occlusion, making it even faster to remove and replace models. Available for the G40 JM and G50 JM.
Adaptation of the registration devices and accessories.

ARCUSevo face bows
The ARCUSevo face bows are arbitrarily mounted.

Assembly set
The KaVo dental models can be mounted onto any articulator with adequate construction height with the assembly set (0.622.1901).

Model in the articulator
The PROTARevo articulators are ideally suited for assembling KaVo models, because they perfectly reproduce the settings of the jaw simulators.

Occlusal height fixator
The occlusal height fixator for determining the occlusal height and securing the position of the mandible on edentulous models (0.622.0551).

Standard facemask
Medium mouth opening 54 x 56 mm (0.622.1312).

Standard facemask
Large mouth opening 59 x 89 mm (0.622.3882).

Mask with adapter for connection to spray mist extraction system
Medium mouth opening 54 x 56 mm (0.622.1431). Larger mouth opening 59 x 89 mm (1.011.2618).

Mask with evacuation system
Replacement part for masks with adapter. Medium mouth opening 54 x 56 mm (0.622.0531). Large mouth opening 59 x 89 mm (1.011.1401).

Latex mask
Large mouth opening 59 x 89 mm (0.622.4872).